Cleaning up shit was undoubtedly the hardest part.
Richard parker's poop
Soon I got into the habit of cleaning up Richard Parker's shit.As soon as I became aware the he had had a bowel movement,I went about getting to it.It was very risky considering the fact that I had to reach out for his feces from the tarpaulin.Feces can be infected with parasites irrespective of the environment.So I needed to keep it clean from time to time.In a matter of weeks,Richard Parker became constipated and his bowel movements came no more than once in a month, so it was a relief from a sanitary point of view. Soon I became as constipated as Richard Parker.It was the result of our diet,too little water and too much protein.I realized that the first time Richard Parker relieved himself in the lifeboat, he tried to hide it from me.It was a sign of deference to me.I soon discovered that I have to give him the right signal.In order to do that, I had to hold his feces in my hand and roll them. Bringing them closer to my nose, I sniffed them and gave him a deprecatory gaze. By doing this, by badgering him with my eyes,and by giving that look of disgust caused by the pungent stench of his shit,I made it clear to him that it is my territory and I can do whatever I want.And it worked.Richard parker never summoned up the courage to stare me back.
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